Hi, I’m Julie

I understand the feeling of anxiety and hopelessness. I was in a marriage that brought abuse and terror.

Looking back, it was completely demeaning. Not having the permission to be me, I was living without much life.

A life lived is healing.

Over the past 15 years, my own healing journey has taken me deep into my intuitive and loving self. I was born with an innate connection to divine energy that heals. Though repressed as a young child, those healing gifts are back in my hands, helping empower others working on their own journey.

There’s life beyond anger & guilt.

I know fierce anger; for not taking a stand for myself sooner. I also know hellish guilt that comes from finally realizing that each family member fell victim. Deep inner-rage returns and the cycle goes again. Real healing is stopping the cycle and letting go of the hurt. All of it.

There’s life without
anxiety and pain.

When working together, we find the past reasons and places that trigger the looping mind chatter. Addressing the root-cause flips the switch and redirects that run-away-locomotive into a healthy self-loving flow. What is your gut telling you? How difficult is it to speak your truth? Why aren’t your feet moving forward?

There’s life after leaving.

Fear of being alone results in confusion, anxiety and guilt. And that’s what’s expected after leaving an authoritative religion or domineering relationship. But with that dead weight off your shoulders, life belongs to you. Time is precious. Let’s dig in, find the real you and move into making beneficial connections to self, others and heaven.

There’s life beyond numbing.

Overcoming addictions and other well-worn self-deceptive patterns can be achieved if we meet them head-on. Together we peel back the many layers of habitual masking of un-addressed anxiety, pain, anger and doubt. No judgement, we all have our shadows. I certainly do.

There’s life in clarity.

Clearly finding what causes the chaos brings the calm. Do it enough and a loving mind-body coherence opens to you. It’s from within this place we concentrate together to rekindle, stoke and shine your brilliant light bringing your ever-evolving gifts into the world.

There’s life in the seeking.

Once the emotional baggage that people carry around their whole lives is let go, an understanding increases as light and joy for life grows.

In the returning home to this light, is where natural God-given gifts come through. Navigating those seemingly new areas together can bring confidence and conviction. Illuminating when and for whom those gifts are meant to serve becomes your life’s purpose. Buckle-up. Life’s about to get fun.



60 Minute Session

  • Identify energy blockages

  • Receive messages about emotions and energy blockages

Spinal Flow Reiki

60 Minute Session

  • Remove your bent energy blockages

  • Restore life-energy to free flow state

  • Show body how to heal its self

  • Identify healing state & patterns in body

Personalized Channeling

60 Minute Session

  • Connect to spirit & guides

  • Personal messages for you

  • Guidance & direction

  • How to change & get where you want to be

Group Channeling

10 - 15 people

  • Guidance & direction for individuals in group

  • Spiritual growth identifiers & messages

  • Scheduler must provide the location.

Oracle Readings

Service details coming soon!

Business Alignment

  • Complimentary channeling to see what is needed

  • Suggestions for increased internal equilibrium for employees and managers

  • Business path alignment suggestions/channeling

  • Clear stagnant energy in office spaces

Client Comments

  • "Julie gave me my life back.

    Within 3 sessions, I have gone from nearly bed bound & absolutely no interest in life to riding my bike, volunteering, and feeling upbeat & “alive” again!

    I am 69, retired from healthcare & normally “the energizer bunny” active. I had been under medical care for a year and a half due to gradually loosing my vitality.

    We tried every diagnostic test & procedure. All came back “normal” but I felt anything but normal. We tried a variety of treatments. None helped. I became home bound, nearly bed bound & just waiting to eventually die! A sad state for the energizer bunny I once was.

    Then my doctor mentioned Reiki (last resort option). I met Julie. My life turned around. The bunny is coming back!"

    — Frida

    "Julie has helped me with so many things that I have struggled with most of my life. I have been seeing her for the last nine months or so and my physical and mental health have changed dramatically. 

    When I first started talking to Julie I was having severe pain with my gallbladder. I had seen a surgeon and he told me that my gallbladder was full of stones and that I would need to have it removed and there was no way the stones would resolve themselves. I started working with Julie and she had me do a cleanse along with a lot of energy movement. Within weeks I had passed many, many gallstones and I was no longer having attacks. 

    I have struggled with deep childhood and religious trauma for most of my life. Through many sessions with Julie I have healed a lot of those traumas and worked through the hurt that was caused. I no longer carry the anger from the abuse that had taken place for the majority of my life, even into adulthood as late as even a few years ago. My relationships with those that I care about and want to focus my time on have drastically improved, as she has helped give me the tools I need to not let things affect or bother me. 

    I have never been a so called “spiritual person” or had “spiritual experiences” until I met Julie. I truly believe that our guides are directing and leading our lives, and that our loved ones move on and are with us in the very simplest things in life. 

    I cannot recommend Julie enough, she has literally and figuratively changed my life for the better."

    — Holly

  • "Experiencing Julie’s reiki has blown me away. She really cares about people and is AMAZING at what she does. I can feel a difference during and after my sessions. Since I’ve started working with Julie my anxiety has come down and I always leave with clarity and confidence. She always works with my crazy schedule and goes the extra mile to provide good service. If you're thinking of trying out reiki she is the lady to see!"

    — Reagan

    "I was broken, depressed, and anxiety ridden when I began sessions with Julie. With her intuitive, psychic, Reiki abilities, Julie removed my physically held traumas and limiting beliefs and lovingly built me back up. They say, “The cracks are where the light gets in.” Julie is the light. A true miracle worker. A one in a million. The real deal.  She changed my life!"

    — Sharmaine

  • "I didn't realize until I got out four years ago that my life of Mormon-ritual made me unknowingly surrender the ability to learn and think for myself.

    Another real eyeopener was realizing that Mormon-judgment blocked me from truly seeing myself and others.

    I'm finding that "taking your name off the records" is the easy part. Stopping the broken ones senselessly spinning in my head, skipping and repeating... that's what Julie is amazing at."

    — Glenn Price

    "Julie is truly gifted. I can honestly testify that she possesses "hands of light". Her office is clean and refreshing. Her skills are extraordinary. She has a spirit about her that is so welcoming and inviting. I feel so blessed the Lord has led me to her."

    — Andrea

    “The world is waking up to new ways of being and Julie provides a real path to healing and self-compassion. Her down-to-earth approach is a sign of her deep commitment to help everyone.”

    — Dwayne

  • "My distance reiki sessions with Julie have been profoundly healing and uplifting. Even though we were miles apart, I experienced the same powerful healing energies and spiritual guidance that I did during my in-person reiki sessions. As sensations for healing came up in MY body, she could sense them & identify them for clearing, just as if she were in the room with me.

    Julie is truly the “real deal” both in person AND in distance reiki sessions!"

    - LaNae

Work with Julie

Pricing & Appointments

